Effects and determinants of attracting foreign direct investment in developing countries





foreign direct investment , investment climate , business environment , foreign direct investment flows , the Algerian economy


   Increased attention in the recent period of direct foreign investment with the direction of the economies of the world towards greater economic liberalization and openness, as well as the decline in the state's role in the economic sphere and to increase economic blocs giant, and the consequential increase in attracting foreign direct investment as one of the basic mechanisms to achieve reform, economic growth and full employment.

Algeria had entered in the race to attract as much of it as possible, and thus benefit from the advantages provided by the attempt to avoid its disadvantages, which led her to make the Algerian economy fits between the national economic development in strategic sectors, private investment especially in foreign sectors, high-tech and export-oriented.


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How to Cite

Mounir , D. K. (2014). Effects and determinants of attracting foreign direct investment in developing countries. Queen Arwa University Journal, 10(10), 13. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i10.69


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