Some Social and Economic Impacts of Husband's Migration on the Status of Women and the Formation of Their Roles in Family and Society




Husband's migration , Women's status , Social and economic impact


This study aims to explore the social and economic impacts of husband's migration on Yemeni women and the formation of their roles in the family and society. The study employs a social survey methodology applied to a sample of women in rural Yemeni areas. The results indicate that husband's migration significantly affects women by increasing their household and agricultural burdens. Women play a pivotal role in raising children and managing household affairs in the absence of their husbands. The study shows that remittances from the migrant husband contribute to improving the family's living standards but also increase the reliance on women to bear household and agricultural responsibilities. The study also revealed negative impacts, including changes in social values and concepts due to the husband's prolonged absence. The study recommends providing necessary support to rural women to cope with the burdens resulting from the husband's migration and working to enhance their status in society through awareness programs and vocational training.



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Author Biographies

  • Prof. Waheeba G. Fare’e Al Fakih, Queen Arwa University

    Professor of Educational Planning and Development, Foundations of Education and Administration, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Queen Arwa University, and Former Minister of State for Human Rights.

  • Prof. Noria Ali Hummad, Sana'a University

    Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Sana'a University


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How to Cite

Al Fakih, P. W. G. F., & Hummad, P. N. A. . (2005). Some Social and Economic Impacts of Husband’s Migration on the Status of Women and the Formation of Their Roles in Family and Society. Queen Arwa University Journal, 1(1), 15.


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