Form the political system and solve the problem of concentration of power





The main reason behind the backwardness of Yemenis , Concentration of power “tyranny” , Radical political reform


The study focused on the main reason behind the failure of Yemenis and the continuation of conflicts of violence among themselves to take control of power. At the same time, I strive to provide solution, because I think that the reason for this is the concentration of power, "tyranny," which led to the failure of our legislative, executive and judicial powers because of the overlapping of powers or the domination of one power over the rest of the other powers. This applies to other Arab and Islamic regimes and not only to Yemen.

The study shows that the solution of this imbalance begins with the adoption of a radical political reform in which the rules of political action are clearly defined to redistribute power at the vertical and horizontal levels and ensure respect for them through the form of the state, the form of the political system and the form of the electoral system which gives the people a decisive role in practicing their rights through choosing their representatives

The form of the political system is very important, the first task of this study and the most important is to identify concepts and terminology close to the concept of the political system and distinguish them from each other scientifically and remove any confusion between them.

After this process of discrimination, the study discussed, through the comparison process, the form of political system and its mechanism of action to help identify which political system that helps us to redistribute the power at the horizontal level and prevent its monopoly by individual or entity, leaving the issue of the vertical distribution of power through the form of the state to study in another study to complete the vision on the political reform project.

 The study explained how the presidential political system is the system that can provide a real separation between the authorities, help to absorb high political participation and contribute to the stability of the government and then political stability with the system of proportional representation in the elections, leading to the real construction of the state and the formation of the nation and lead to real development , And this is the disease of Yemen and its solution, according to Kawakibi.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Amin Ahmed Al-Ghaish, Sana'a University

    Assistant Professor of Political Systems, Department of Public Law, College of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University.


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How to Cite

Al-Ghaish, D. A. A. . (2018). Form the political system and solve the problem of concentration of power: "Tyranny". Queen Arwa University Journal, 20(20), 45.


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