The Role of Tax Incentives in Supporting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Algerian Enterprises within the Framework of the National Agency for Investment Development (ANDI)

A Case Study of Mahbouba Pasta Company




Small and Medium Enterprises , Competitiveness , Tax Incentives , National Agency for Investment Development , Tax Reduction , Tax Exemption


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Algeria have received significant attention as they form an important link in economic activity. This is evident through the establishment of structures and bodies to support these types of enterprises, most notably the National Agency for Investment Development (ANDI), in addition to a series of tax incentives provided by the agency. Therefore, this study aims to shed light on the reality and importance of SMEs in the Algerian economy during the period 2006-2013, as well as the role of tax incentives provided by the National Agency for Investment Development in supporting the competitiveness of SMEs in Algeria. In this regard, a case study of Mahbouba Pasta Company was conducted, where we found that tax incentives are one of the pillars that enable the company to enhance its competitiveness, but they are not the only thing controlling it. This is evident through the fact that the competitiveness indicators of Mahbouba Company are better in the case of benefit than in the case of non-benefit. Recommendations and suggestions were made in this regard.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr. Bin Amara Mansour, Badji Mokhtar University

    Faculty of Economic Sciences, Annaba University, Algeria

  • Clipat Basma, Badji Mokhtar University

    Faculty of Economic Sciences, Annaba University, Algeria


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ANDI : Agence National de Développement de l’investissement

IBS : Impôt sur le Bénéfice des sociétés

TVA : Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée

DD : Droit de Douane

TAP : Taxe sur l’Activité Professionnelle



How to Cite

Mansour, D. B. A. ., & Basma, C. (2014). The Role of Tax Incentives in Supporting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Algerian Enterprises within the Framework of the National Agency for Investment Development (ANDI): A Case Study of Mahbouba Pasta Company. Queen Arwa University Journal, 13(13), 61-84.


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