The Ancient Himyarite Trade Route (Mawza - Thafar Mankath)

An Archaeological Study




Himyarite trade route , Mawza' Port , Thafar Mankath


This research examines the trade caravan route that connected Mawza' Port on the Red Sea coast to Thafar Mankath City in the central highlands of Yemen during the Himyarite period. This period saw significant prosperity after the Himyarites redirected the frankincense route westward to Mawza' Port (Al-Makha). The study traces this route, documenting the remaining caravanserai stations and other facilities such as rest stations and markets that catered to the caravans. It also discusses the political and economic factors that led to the route's flourishing. The researcher conducted fieldwork from Mawza' City to Thafar Mankath, the Himyarite capital, and used historical sources. The study concludes that the trade route between Mawza' Port and Thafar Mankath was among the most important in the region. The redirection of the frankincense route through the highlands significantly contributed to the prosperity of cities along the route, including Thafar Mankath. This study contributes to the preservation of the region's cultural and historical heritage and enhances cultural and historical awareness by uncovering the history of the route and the areas it passes through.



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Author Biography

  • Bashir A. S. Hamid, Queen Arwa University

    Academic Researcher, Studies and Research Center, Queen Arwa University


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How to Cite

Hamid, B. A. S. (2023). The Ancient Himyarite Trade Route (Mawza - Thafar Mankath): An Archaeological Study. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 19.


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