Preventive diplomacy between theory and practice




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The United Nations Organization was established for the purpose of achieving lofty goals to serve humanity as a whole. Its establishment came after the negative results left by the Second World War, as a basis for overcoming the ordeal of wars and armed conflicts by strengthening the ability to maintain international peace and security.
The main goal that the United Nations seeks to achieve is to overcome international chaos and establish the basic structures to reduce international conflicts. Therefore, the importance of the United Nations lies in the role it plays, and in its main means of preventive diplomacy to secure world peace. It is the platform that brings together the countries of the world, and a haven for dealing with crises. The world today is in dire need of dialogue and negotiation, especially after the developments that took place in the era of rapprochement and globalization.
Work on prevention - preventive prevention - of conflicts will inevitably lead to avoiding major risks and disasters, which may cost a lot on the humanitarian, economic and military levels, and pose a threat to international peace and security, and efforts to settle conflicts.
Violent conflicts after they occur are more difficult and more costly than prevention efforts.
The preventive prevention of conflicts is a crucial condition for achieving international security.
     Where the proponents of preventive diplomacy believe in the ease of resolving conflicts before their sparks break out, and the difficulty of resolving them when they do, preventive diplomacy is the only way to avoid pain and prevent suffering resulting from violent conflicts, and the impasse that follows, and preventive diplomacy is also concerned with early warning to detect conditions that lead to violent conflicts ( ).

If preventive diplomacy means containing crises before they escalate and turn into wars and international conflicts that are difficult to predict, and where - preventive diplomacy - has proven in more than one crisis its usefulness and the results it reached through settling disputes, but the problem lies in some international crises and applications of preventive diplomacy, which It would have been possible to reach solutions before the outbreak of armed conflicts, and to avoid the material and human losses that resulted in them, if the active forces in the international community and the United Nations had acted in a timely manner, when indications and early warnings of a possible outbreak of armed conflict appeared.
The importance of the research lies in contributing, albeit in an easy way, to spreading the culture of preventive conflict prevention. Preventive diplomacy is one of the most important mechanisms used by the United Nations to reduce the level of tension in international relations, and for the peaceful settlement of international disputes that pose a threat to international peace and security. Therefore, the legal basis for diplomacy Preventive diplomacy is based on the Charter of the United Nations, and on the important and distinguished role entrusted to its Secretary-General in leading and directing preventive diplomacy, achieving positive results for the good of humanity and the establishment and stability of international peace and security.
The aim of the research is to highlight the feasibility of preventive diplomacy, and its effectiveness in containing crises and avoiding international conflicts, as well as giving an analysis of some of its applications.
Preventive diplomacy-, and how to use it in each of the first Gulf war, and the war in Rwanda, regardless of the failures that accompanied the containment of some other crises, and to study the issue of preventive diplomacy between theory and practice, the analytical descriptive approach will be used due to its suitability to the nature of this research, with the aim of Reaching objective scientific conclusions. Accordingly, we decided to divide the study into two sections:
The first topic: the nature of preventive diplomacy.
The second topic: preventive diplomacy after the end of the Cold War.


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How to Cite

Al-Zaitri, D. N. G. . (2019). Preventive diplomacy between theory and practice. Queen Arwa University Journal, 23(23), 20.


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