The position of Sana'a University professors on some issues of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

A comparative study of the attitudes of Sana'a University professors towards protocol issues in both cases of awareness of their source and lack of awareness of their source




positions of university professors , protocols , Elders of Zion


Mathematical sciences provide us with endless creations, and among these creations are numbers and symbols that reduce thousands or even tens of thousands of words and sentences to a limited number of symbols and numbers. It suffices us to confirm this idea by pointing out that the entire philosophy of Pythagoreans is based primarily on the number. Not only that, but the destructive tool capable of annihilating most of the world's population within a few hours is based primarily on the two symbols (- and +).
These two symbols refer to what is called negativity and positivity, as it is known, and the concepts of negativity and positivity have their strong significance in most, if not all, of the natural and human sciences alike. They also have their practical applications in daily life. There is strength (+), there is weakness (-), there is health (+), there is illness (-), there is wealth (+), there is poverty (-), there is generosity (+), there is miserliness (-), there is life (+) and there is death or annihilation (-), there is knowledge (+) and there is ignorance (-). There are many contradictions that cannot be limited to, and they all carry the two symbols
ex, as it is called.
The most prominent aspect of the previous conceptual interviews is science and ignorance. Scientists, throughout the long human history, are the ones who work to shape the features of human civilization and determine its path for it (Al-Mansi 2000 156), and they are the ones to whom the hands of individuals, groups and societies extend in order to seek opinion and advice, and they are the ones who boast They are the peoples and societies, and they are the ones who made societies differentiate civilized among themselves, and they are the true leaders of their peoples; Societies proceed politically and economically according to theoretical visions or philosophies invented by scholars, and our Islamic societies, which are sprawling, are governed by four or five jurisprudential visions. This is science and this is the position of scientists.

Our current era is the era that is often described as the era of knowledge, science and experience, as it is the era dominated by Power of Experts. Experts, here, are of two types: the knowledgeable expert and the working expert, and both experts must obtain high professional and academic qualification and training, but they are different in type, and yet it is compatible with the nature of their scientific and professional position. And the degree of qualification of each of them, so the qualification of the world expert takes longer, permeated by systematic scientific preparation, at the end of which he is able to possess the theoretical vision, which enables him to deal with issues or matters that are not limited in time. As for the working expert, his qualification takes less time, during which he is able to possess the mechanisms for dealing with immediate problems (Al-Khayyat 2006 (28). There is another distinction between the two experts, which is represented in the nature of the profession of each of them. The profession of the working expert is determined by his limited practical profession that he prepared As for the profession of the expert scientist, it is characterized by being the incubator of professions (university).
Accordingly, the incubator of professions is the university institutions, and the university professor is the professor of professionals. The world expert or the university professor is characterized by qualities and attributes that the working expert rarely possesses: the university professor's experience goes beyond the frameworks of daily work and the problems resulting from it, in the fields of human life. He also has broad-mindedness, impartiality, accuracy and a high sense of responsibility. Therefore, the judgments, opinions, and ideas he issues are characterized by stability and objectivity, and are taken seriously by others, and are relied upon in making many decisions, because they stem from a scientific mentality that is not hasty, and is not affected by whims and interests.


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How to Cite

Jahaf, D. A. (2008). The position of Sana’a University professors on some issues of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: A comparative study of the attitudes of Sana’a University professors towards protocol issues in both cases of awareness of their source and lack of awareness of their source. Queen Arwa University Journal, 3(3), 50.
