Assessing the Reality of Editing Arab Scientific Journals in Light of International Organization for Standardization ISO Quality Control Standards




Scientific Journal Editing , Quality Standards , International Organization for Standardization


This study aimed to assess the reality of editing Arab scientific journals in light of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, utilizing a descriptive analytical approach. The researcher prepared an analysis form to evaluate a sample of educational scientific periodicals issued by Arab universities. The sample included eight educational periodicals, and the studies published in these periodicals were analyzed using two forms: one for journal editing standards and another for study editing standards. The results showed that the average adherence to journal editing standards was 8.071 out of 10, while adherence to study editing standards was 6.573 out of 10. The study revealed significant variation in the degree of adherence among the journals. The study recommended allocating financial budgets to support scientific periodicals and emphasized the importance of meeting quality standards to ensure the publication of distinguished scientific research. It also suggested establishing a joint unit among Arab universities to monitor compliance with international standards and develop scientific publishing policies.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ghalib, Sana'a University

    Department of Arabic Language Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Sana'a University


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How to Cite

Ghalib, D. A. H. (2015). Assessing the Reality of Editing Arab Scientific Journals in Light of International Organization for Standardization ISO Quality Control Standards. Queen Arwa University Journal, 15(15), 187-216.


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