The repercussions of the Al-Aqsa flood operation on the Palestinian issue




Al-Aqsa Flood , Hamas Movement , The Zionist Entity (Israel)


As a result of the continued Zionist violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the increasing suffering of Palestinian prisoners, the expansion of Jewish settlements, and attempts at normalization processes between Arab countries and Israel, especially with Saudi Arabia, the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation was launched to change this reality. The operation aimed to bring the Palestinian issue back to the forefront of global events, free Palestinian prisoners, and hinder American and Zionist plans like the Deal of the Century and normalization projects. There were positive repercussions for Palestine, including the strengthening of Hamas' position and the rise in the power of the resistance axis. Conversely, the operation had negative repercussions on the Zionist entity, including the erosion of Israeli deterrence, the collapse of confidence in the Israeli army and intelligence, and changes in the internal Israeli political scene, particularly concerning Netanyahu's political future. Additionally, Israel incurred significant material, human, and moral costs as a result of this operation.



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Author Biography

  • Nabil M. Badraldin, Amran University

    Assistant Professor in International Relations and Political Science, Amran University.

    Telephone: +967777622732


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How to Cite

Badraldin, . N. M. (2023). The repercussions of the Al-Aqsa flood operation on the Palestinian issue. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 16.

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