Impact of political globalization on the Arab world




Political globalization , The Arab world , global system


The major countries have used globalization as a form of economic, cultural and political hegemony through the major global corporations and influenced them in international forums by controlling decision-makers. On the basis that globalization is not just a product of the technological revolution only, but rather an outcome of economic strategies, policies and measures (according to the view of the major countries).
With the intensification of globalization and what accompanies it, the gap between rich and poor countries widens, and we do not know whether the expression of this domination has settled among the majority of peoples in the world, a system and individuals that make them accept this domination in a dark reality imposed on them by centers of power, aided in that by slogans aimed at their interests. And global media, waves, and iron strikes if necessary, and this is what we are observing now in our day.
Globalization in general means the generalization of something, so that it includes the circle of the world as a whole, although its meaning differs according to the specializations of researchers. It means cultural, civilized and social thought on the world level as one place.
Views differ with regard to globalization, so developing countries see it as a type of imperial control, and a form of Western hegemony associated with capitalism. Therefore, global trade can be observed from customs restrictions, especially industrial goods, and thus globalization is a stage of the development of the capitalist system, or a victory the capitalist system on a global scale.
In light of globalization, the race of Arab countries to join the World Trade Organization (GATT) has begun. The number of Arab countries in this organization has reached ten, namely Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain.
Globalization has been associated with the modern scientific and technical revolution, and it seemed as if it would lead the world to prosperity, eradicate poverty, and provide modern culture and means of communication, as the industrialized countries led a campaign to persuade developing countries of the need to enter the circle of globalization and change their political orientations in line with its requirements, and there is no doubt that globalization affected the world The Arab world and its various economic, political, social and cultural structures, what is the nature of this influence? How can we face the challenges it poses to the Arab world?
This is what the study will try to answer through the research problem presented in the general framework of this study and through two main sections and an introductory section that represents the general framework of the study.
This study will show that there are facts that appear on the applications of globalization, some of them are negative, and some are positive. The country, and the study will explain the course of political globalization in the Arab world since 1991 until now, and shed light on the political impact in particular of globalization and its impact on the Arab world....


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How to Cite

Sharhan, D. F. H. A. . (2019). Impact of political globalization on the Arab world. Queen Arwa University Journal, 23(23), 37.


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