A comparative study of some forms of muscle strength between weightlifters and short distance runners in the capital city





forms of muscular strength , Weight lifting , Short distance runners , Sports


The problem of the research is through the researcher's study of the forms of muscular strength and their effect on speed, through physical tests for weightlifters who are characterized by maximum muscular strength by lifting large weights, and short-distance players who are characterized by maximum speed through short times and time that achieve distances and knowledge, the reflection of this strength on Speed compared to weightlifters with short-distance players, and many of them understand that weightlifters are fast in short distances as a result of great strength and real scientific knowledge of that and the importance of muscle strength in distributing effort to a large extent to reach achievement.
This prompted the researcher to study the forms of muscular strength and compare them between the weightlifting players and the short-distance players of the Capital Municipality team for the two events. The researcher uses the descriptive approach to derive facts from the important conclusions. Lifters outperformed short-distance runners in the front-rest (10s) and abdominal (30s) tests, while short-distance players outperformed the four-wheelers in running (30m) (50m). This reflects what is understood that weightlifters are fast in short distances and there is weakness. In the muscular strength of the arms and abdomen, which is important for short-distance players.


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How to Cite

Badi, D. Y. M. Y. . (2020). A comparative study of some forms of muscle strength between weightlifters and short distance runners in the capital city. Queen Arwa University Journal, 24(24), 19. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i24.111


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