The importance of Yemen's stability in international politics




Yemen stability , The International Politics , National security for the Middle East


This study aims to identify the most important international interests in Yemen, as well as to identify the importance of the stability of Yemen in the directions of international politics, and to know the extent and strength of the impact of international policy directions on the stability of Yemen, as well as to identify the expected paths of the changes taking place in Yemen and the extent of their agreement or disagreement with the directions of interests of international powers.
The study reached a number of results, the most important of which was, and Yemen will remain, an attractive focus for the attention of politics and international forces because of a constant and permanent factor, which is the geographical location of Yemen, which carries with it vital interests for all countries of the world, as it oversees the most important and shortest lines of international maritime trade and oversees ports and straits that are considered one of the most important control points. This is in addition to Yemen's direct adhesion to the most important regions of the world, which is the Gulf oil region, which made Yemen a place of international competition and conflict, and for the same reason, there is an international consensus that it should be far from any international conflict that would harm international interests. Likewise, there is an international consensus that Yemen must be stable and an area in which chaos is not allowed, meaning that the stability of Yemen is an international demand unanimously agreed upon. Rather, Yemen has become an arena for international coordination and cooperation aimed at ensuring its stability, and the economic factor is a major axis in the interest of international powers in the stability of Yemen because this The forces have become certain that the main cause of all Yemen's problems and crises is the continuous deterioration of the Yemeni economy. Therefore, the international community has put in place several mechanisms to assist Yemen, including the Donors Conference and the Friends of Yemen, which have made it one of its objectives to support comprehensive political and economic reforms that would lead the Yemeni economy out of a state of continuous deterioration to state of sustainable developmen


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How to Cite

Musharrah, D. M. A. (2020). The importance of Yemen’s stability in international politics. Queen Arwa University Journal, 25(25), 27.


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