About the Conference Proceedings Series

Journal of Scientific Conferences and Seminars, Queen Arwa University is a specialized scientific journal for publishing the most prominent papers and scientific theses that were discussed and presented during scientific conferences and seminars that were held at Queen Arwa University or sponsored by them, which received a local, Arab and international response at the time, the most important of which are:

- National Higher Education Conference - Sana'a - 2000 .

- Academic Dialogue Conference to Support Comprehensive National Dialogue - Sana'a - 2013.

Current Conference Proceedings Volume

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2000): Higher Education Conference, Sana'a, May 30, 2000
                    View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2000): Higher Education Conference, Sana'a, May 30, 2000

With wide Arab and international participation, the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, hosted the National Higher Education Conference
More than 150 participants and more than 66 papers are discussed by the participants over a period of three days

Coinciding with the joys of our people in their national celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Yemeni unity, Queen Arwa University organized, in coordination with the Advisory Council and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, during the period from May 30 to June 1, a conference on private higher education and its role in economic and social development.
The conference represents the most important scientific and academic gathering at the national, Arab and international levels. Through it, the participants stand on the reality of private higher education in Yemen, which has been witnessing steady growth for nearly a decade.
It also represents an interesting experience in its content due to the large numbers of students that this sector absorbs and in the absence of a knowledge framework that clearly includes the nature of the relationship between the determinants of official policy in its various dimensions and the existing role of this type of education.
And that the main ideas discussed by this conference were carefully formulated to come inclusive of all the concerns and problems of private higher education in an attempt to benefit from the opinions and theses of elite participants from inside and outside Yemen who have experienced dealing with this type of issues and lived live experiences in their countries as well as the experience and visions of decision-makers and planners Which will certainly enrich the conference and secure scientific results that we aspire to help define the path and recognize the importance and effectiveness of the role that higher and private education plays in contemporary societies.
The conference also represents a real test of the positives of the assumed relationship between the official and private Yemeni academic institutions and the relevant civil society institutions in order to achieve the adoption of a joint strategy to meet the requirements of the new phase and confirm its role in society and the desired influence in the policies and decisions that are formulated towards the present of Yemen and the future generations.
And that the participants in the conference discussed, during three days, the main axes: the institutional and organizational structure of private higher education, higher education and human development, and the economics of private higher education and its future prospects.
Within the framework of these three axes are sub-issues that reflect the overall vision of the idea of the conference. Under the first axis, educational programs, scientific research, assessment of educational performance, the impact of educational policies on economic and social changes, and the development of the democratic concept in higher education policies and curricula will be discussed.
Within the framework of the second axis, admission policies in higher education institutions and linking them to the goals of human development, opportunities for higher education for females, the possibilities available for women’s development, the individual and governmental returns to formal and private higher education, and the relations between education and work outputs.
As for the third axis, it relates to government funding for higher education and its problems, private investment in higher education, community participation in financing education, distance education, open education, and its role in providing educational opportunities and reducing material costs.
It should be noted that there are a number of main lines that will be followed for the first time in this conference to achieve the goals and objectives for which the efforts of the state and society are focused on promoting education at all levels as the true gateway to comprehensive developmental reform and building the human element capable of making change and coping with the transformations that the era is witnessing in the world. Under the explosion of knowledge and scientific and information technology.

With wide Arab and international participation, next Tuesday, Sana'a will host the National Higher Education Conference
More than 150 participants and 66 papers will be discussed by the participants over a period of three days

Sana'a - Sheba
Coinciding with the joys of our people in their national celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Yemeni unity, Queen Arwa University is organizing, in coordination with the Advisory Council and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, during the period from May 30 to June 1, a conference on private higher education and its role in economic and social development.
The conference represents the most important scientific and academic gathering at the national, Arab and international levels. Through it, the participants stand on the reality of private higher education in Yemen, which has been witnessing steady growth for nearly a decade.
It also represents an interesting experience in its content due to the large numbers of students that this sector absorbs and in the absence of a knowledge framework that clearly includes the nature of the relationship between the determinants of official policy in its various dimensions and the existing role of this type of education.
The conference will discuss, during three days, the main themes: the institutional and organizational structure of private higher education, higher education and human development, and the economics of education and its future prospects.
Within the framework of these three axes are sub-issues that reflect the overall vision of the idea of the conference. Under the first axis, educational programs, scientific research, assessment of educational performance, the impact of educational policies on economic and social changes, and the development of the democratic concept in higher education policies and curricula will be discussed.
Within the framework of the second axis, the conference will also discuss admission policies in higher education institutions and linking them to the goals of human development, opportunities for higher education for females, the possibilities available for women's development, the individual and governmental return to formal and private higher education, and the relations between education and work outputs.
Within the framework of the third axis, government funding for higher education and its problems, private investment in higher education, and community participation in financing education, distance education, open education, and its role in providing educational opportunities and reducing financial costs will be discussed.
In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Professor Dr. Yahya Al-Shuaibi, a member of the preparatory committee for the conference and the Minister of Education, explained that the main ideas that will be discussed in this conference were carefully formulated to come inclusive of all the concerns and problems of private higher education in the endeavors of

Published: 2000-06-01


View All Conference Proceedings Volumes

Journal of Scientific Conferences and Seminars, Queen Arwa University is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing the most prominent papers and scientific theses discussed by those conferences, which received a local, Arab and international response at the time, including:

1- The National Higher Education Conference - Sana'a - 2000 AD.

2- Academic Dialogue Conference to Support Comprehensive National Dialogue - Sana'a - 2013.