The role of the brand producer in promoting competitive power of Algerian brands




brand , reputation , loyalty , brand image , the functions of the mark


Brands are the most common phenomena in world markets. With this in mind, companies are looking to create a place in this marketing space to differentiate themselves from competitors. This would only be possible if they have a strong and effective label. Indeed, the Algerian brands do not enjoy the same force in the market.

In this context, companies seek to evaluate the effectiveness of their brands in order to strengthen their positions in the market based on two criteria: stature and vitality of the brand.

       In this paper we present the results of a study of the reliability of the company brand Saba, specializing in the manufacture of pasta. These results were obtained following a survey of customers of that company to assess the impact of the brand product. The study concluded with a number of results that we will expose in this paper by recommending the best action, we think important in promoting brands Algerian.


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How to Cite

Al-Hadi, D. B., & Hajar, M. B. (2014). The role of the brand producer in promoting competitive power of Algerian brands. Queen Arwa University Journal, 10(10), 16.
