A comparative study of some variables of the respiratory circulatory system at rest between athletes and non-athletes in terms of the AT-2 Plus-SchiIIer device





Sports Medicine , Sports Physiology , Circulatory System , Respiratory System , Physical Training , Electrocardiography , Respiratory Functions , Physiological and Morphological Adaptations


This research discusses the advancements in the field of sports medicine, focusing on physiology and how physical and sports exercises affect the circulatory and respiratory systems. It highlights the importance of sports physiology in improving athletic performance and assessing the functional status of individuals. The study emphasizes the necessity of exercising to enhance physical and mental health, noting that physical and sports training develops physiological and morphological capabilities, especially of the circulatory and respiratory systems. The research covers the vascular and cardiac adaptations associated with physical training, and their effects on heart rate, stroke volume, and blood pressure. It also addresses the importance of heart examinations in early life stages and during competitive activities, including electrocardiography. The study shows how regular exercise contributes to the development of lung functions and the assessment of the heart and lungs' physiological efficiency. Finally, the study highlights its significance in exploring the differences in electrocardiography and respiratory function values between athletes and non-athletes.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Mohammed A. Haider, Sana'a University

    Associate Professor, College of Physical Education, Sana'a University


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How to Cite

Haider, D. M. A. . (2018). A comparative study of some variables of the respiratory circulatory system at rest between athletes and non-athletes in terms of the AT-2 Plus-SchiIIer device. Queen Arwa University Journal, 20(20), 27-57. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i20.179
