Satan's machinations and ways of prevention




Satan's machinations , Jinn and humans , Occult creatures


Praise be to God who says:

“O you who have believed, enter into Islam wholeheartedly, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is an avowed enemy to you.” [Al-Baqara: 208].

  He said, “My Lord, because of what You have led me astray, I will certainly beautify them on earth and deceive them all, except for Your servants among them who are sincere.” {Al-Hijr: 39-40} Ezz who said:
“Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy” [Fatir: 5-6].

On the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, drew a line for us and then said, “This is the way of God.” Then he drew lines on behalf of God. to his right and to his left, then he said: These are ways. He separates you from His path.” {Al-An’am: 153}
From here, the accursed Satan - we seek refuge in God from him - was, is, and will remain the first enemy of the children of Adam, and in particular the believers among them, and a number of texts warning against him came in the Book of God Almighty, including His saying: [Indeed, Satan has been to man an open enemy] { Al-Isra: 53}, and His saying, Glory be to Him, about Satan: [Indeed, he is an avowed enemy to you] {Yasin: 60}, to other texts, which means to us the importance of the topic of research from both the scientific and practical standpoints, which prompted the researcher to delve into and write about it. Research objectives: The research aims to achieve the following:
1- Recognizing the concept of Satan in language and terminology.
2- Statement of the truth and nature of Satan.
3- A review of the Qur’anic verses and the hadiths of the Prophet explaining the subject of Satan.
4- Realizing the ferocity of Satan's enmity towards the human race and his plotting in that.
5- Analyzing the machinations and means of Satan in seduction and misguidance.
6- Applying ways of prevention from the accursed Satan and his plot.
  The nature of the research necessitated its division into the following investigations: The first topic: The truth and nature of Satan.
The second topic: the machinations of Satan. The third topic: ways of prevention from the accursed Satan.
Following the inductive and analytical approach, in the light of extrapolating the relevant texts and analyzing them, the various aspects of the research emerged, with attributing the verses to their surahs and the hadiths and quotations to their meaning, so he produced a documented scientific work from which every reader and researcher benefits, drawing at the end a set of results and recommendations from which we hope to benefit his writer and reader in both lives. : this world and the next, and God is behind the intent, and He is the Guide to the straight path.


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How to Cite

Haider, D. A. (2013). Satan’s machinations and ways of prevention. Queen Arwa University Journal, 11(11), 17.
