Internal migration and its repercussions on the city of Anoua Kashout


  • Dr. Abu Bakr Weld Yehia University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene image/svg+xml Author



Immigration , the urban center , Anoua Kashout


The research discusses the issue of internal migration in Mauritania, highlighting it as a significant problem. Internal migration is not just about changing residences, but also involves shifts in population size and composition within departure and arrival areas. The city of Nouakchott is experiencing challenges due to imbalances in population distribution within and between neighborhoods. These population movements are not regulated like foreign immigration, but are a response to various factors such as gravity, expulsion, and trade-offs between different areas. Most urban solutions to address this issue in Nouakchott are immediate and unipolar, and there is a lack of proper understanding of how balanced migration can solve population problems and redeployment across the area, taking into account natural and human elements.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Abu Bakr Weld Yehia, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene

    Academic researcher, specializing in regional development, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Urban Development, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology.


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How to Cite

Weld Yehia, D. A. B. . (2015). Internal migration and its repercussions on the city of Anoua Kashout. Queen Arwa University Journal, 14(14), 5-22.
