Peer-reviewed peers

The peer review process in the Queen Arwa University Journal is carried out carefully, and it is the stage that helps the editor-in-chief decide whether to publish the article or not, because these decisions are based on the recommendations and evaluation of specialists and experts from the arbitrators’ panel.

The process of peer review in the refereed journal of Queen's University goes through several steps, as follows:
1. The journal editors receive articles submitted by the authors.
2. The basic characteristics of the article and its relevance to the policy and scope of the journal are determined.

3. The article is evaluated by the scholarly editors to determine whether or not it meets the journal's scholarly quality standards.

4. The peers/reviewers to whom the article will be sent for review are determined.

5. The article is sent to the peers/arbitrators without mentioning the names of the authors.

6. The peer reviewers independently evaluate the article and decide whether it is newsworthy or not.

7. The science editor evaluates the peer-reviewed evaluations and makes the decision to publish or reject the article or to request amendments.

8. The evaluation and notes of the peers / arbitrators are sent to the authors without mentioning the names of the peers because the arbitration process is confidential unless there is a need to reveal the peers and authors and conduct an interview with each other after announcing the first evaluation by the peers / arbitrators

.9. Article edits (if necessary) are made prior to publication, formatted, and proofread for the last time.
10. The article will be published in the journal if accepted.