The concept of the state when Ibn al-Muqaffa

Reading in my letter: The companions and the orphan of the Sultan




The text discusses the political thought of Ibn Al-Muqaffa, and addresses his theory about the state in the Arab and Islamic context. This theory is presented through two messages, the first is related to “the perfection of the Sultan” and the second to “the Companions”. The texts and ideas in the two messages are analyzed to answer three main questions: What is the concept of the Muqaffa state in the two messages? What is the relationship of the Companions’ message to the message of the perfection of the Sultan? And what is the nature of the writer’s relationship with his society and his rulers?

The research also touches on the concept of the state with the meanings and connotations of metaphorical symbols in the quadruple of social foundations: reason, justice, the state, and well-being. The difference in the meanings and connotations of the symbolic images of this quadruple is explored, as well as the rule of justice between the difference of the triad: reason, the state, and well-being.

In the end, the focus is on the corruption of the Sultan and his reform policies with the approach of the Muslim lands, and the manifestations of corruption of the functions of the Sultan of the Muslim lands and the policies of reforming the Sultan of the Muslim lands are identified.


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How to Cite

Al-Kibsi, D. A. H. (2011). The concept of the state when Ibn al-Muqaffa: Reading in my letter: The companions and the orphan of the Sultan. Queen Arwa University Journal, 7(7), 33.
