Towards a strategic vision for administrative reform




After achieving the Yemeni unity in the early 1990s, Yemen began a new democratic covenant, taking advantage of the experiences of the past of two different political systems in one country and one economic conditions. Including the positives and negatives, even if it meets in its political dimension the dissolution of institutions to become one entity.

The rupture of the country had a great impact on the low administrative infrastructure and material structures alike, and the conflict on the authority led to the freezing of the natural adaptation process in the administrative field and the isolation of administration for two decades from developments and achievements in the worlds of technology and communications and in the field of scientific experiences that push many The countries towards getting rid of the restrictions and formalities that cast their shadow over some government actions, allow the opportunity for the individual initiative, and work to facilitate and simplify the process of taking administrative decisions. The result, in addition to the decline in administrative performance, was that the administrative procedures and procedures related to the public job are no longer in line with the requirements of modern societies.

This has led to the emergence of some administrative diseases, including that the features of the poor performance that appeared on the administration put the governmental apparatus in front of the problem of the inability to carry out its tasks with the efficiency required to carry out its role in the process of economic and social advancement, and then a consensus appeared in both the private and public sectors. However, the weaknesses and shortcomings that the administration suffers from a stumbling block in the face of the country's economic growth, in particular, to meet the need of citizens, and the clay worsened for each side to hold the other responsible for the deterioration of the administration, especially when political parties participated in forming the government as a coalition.

From here, the state has been aware that the development of the administration, the update of its texts and procedures, and the development of its methods of work, is the correct and only entrance to stimulate the investments of the private sector and the entire Arab and foreign investors to employ their money at home .. especially after solving border problems and demarcating them with neighboring countries and the trend in the request to join the gathering of the GCC countries Gulf cooperation to enter into a regional economic alliance, including Yemen, naturally and geographically, for the paths of the regional economy.


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How to Cite

Faree, W. (2008). Towards a strategic vision for administrative reform. Queen Arwa University Journal, 3(3), 25.
