University evaluation between perpetuating mediocrity and backwardness And the search for quality and creativity




Educational Evaluation , Performance and Outcomes Measurement , Challenges of University Evaluation


This question raises another more precise and deeper question, which is why the insistence on educational evaluation despite its negative psychological and social consequences on learners? Exams create an atmosphere of fierce competition that negatively affects students.

Educators point out that formal public education serves the interests of a particular class and creates distorted structures. However, some believe that abolishing exams and evaluation will not solve the problem, as Arab societies tend towards competition and conflict, and the school must equip students with means to assert their identities in this context.

Evaluation is necessary to measure the achievement of educational goals, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve educational productivity. It is also an accountability tool to justify expenditure on education and guide the required reforms.


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Author Biography

  • Mohamad budkhili mwlay, Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella

    Institute of Social Sciences - Department of Psychology - University of Oran 


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Conference Proceedings Volume




How to Cite

University evaluation between perpetuating mediocrity and backwardness And the search for quality and creativity. (2000). Journal of Scientific Conferences and Seminars Queen Arwa University, 1(1), 157-176.

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