A lecture on diplomatic and legal means of settling international disputes by peaceful means





Peaceful settlement , International negotiations , International Court


The third paper of the Tolerance Symposium addresses the importance of the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the role of the United Nations in achieving this. Emphasis is placed on the importance of modifying positions, protecting parties, and facilitating negotiation and settlement processes. Examples of the use of promises and threats in international negotiations are mentioned, with reference to the experience of the end of the war between Vietnam and Israel. The role of the International Court in resolving international disputes and its consideration of cases involving member states is highlighted.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Najeeb Ahmed Obaid, Queen Arwa University

    Ambassador Dr. Najeeb Ahmed Obaid
    Head of the Legal Affairs and Treaties Department


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How to Cite

A lecture on diplomatic and legal means of settling international disputes by peaceful means. (2024). Journal of Scientific Conferences and Seminars Queen Arwa University, 1(8). https://doi.org/10.58963/qaujscs.2019.8.209

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