The Role of the United Nations and the Security Council in Establishing Global Security and Peace




United Nations , Security Council , International Security and Peace


This research examines the essential role of the United Nations as an international body dedicated to achieving global security and peace. It highlights the necessity of adopting a new approach to expand the membership of the Security Council to enhance its effectiveness in achieving international peace. The idea of expanding the council emerged in 1993, with demands for reforms that would enhance the genuine participation of member states in international decision-making. The research aims to discuss the required reforms to address increasing global challenges and political blocs, as well as the role of developing countries in strengthening the Security Council. It also focuses on the importance of expanding the Security Council to include new countries to achieve new balances in international interests. The research reviews the working mechanisms of the Security Council and the concept of the veto and its impact on the council’s decisions. Finally, the research provides recommendations to enhance the Security Council's role in maintaining international security and peace, including the necessity of involving as many countries as possible in international decision-making and reforming the current structure of the Security Council to become more just and transparent.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Abdulsalam Anwar Khalil, Queen Arwa University

    Doctor in Political Science, Faculty of Law, Queen Arwa University


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How to Cite

Khalil, D. A. . A. (2015). The Role of the United Nations and the Security Council in Establishing Global Security and Peace. Queen Arwa University Journal, 15(15), 123-143.


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