textual recantation in Surat Al-Baqarah





textual recantation , Qur'anic method , text semantics


This research aims to study a style of language. which is (textual recantation). and its application to Surat Al-Baqarah. whose subjects and words are numerous and varied. We can see the Qur'anic style mentioning a side of the object and then it leaves it. and then returns to complete it. in a non-boring way. taking into consideration that its parts are approximate while its texts are sequential. Likewise. it also chooses a word then modifies it elsewhere in the context of the text of a single subject. These shifts in the Qur›anic text surprise the recipient as they depart from the predicted steadiness on one word or one subject. Then it researches. using the textual analytical approach. the possible links and relationships between the two topics examined through the two criteria related to textual interconnection. i.e.. molding and knitting (sabk and habk).
Moreover, the disaggregation of the whole text into partial texts based on their subjects (a relinquished text) and (an accredited text) through this term helps to be informed of the overall implications of the text. and to control the larger parts of it by cutting and fitting it in an anatomical and fractional manner.
Scholars have ignored to discuss the relations and links between the parties of the recantation phenomenon in the text. as the recantation search was limited to the apparent composition in the vocabulary thus remained within the scope of the single word.
The ultimate goal of this study is to demonstrate one type of the Qur>an>s miracles by revealing the links that contribute to the process of textual coherence in the Quranic recantation technique.
This research was divided. after the introduction. into two topics.
First Topic: internal text recantation. which means a part-to- part movement within a single topic in a particular context. where recantation goes beyond the level of word and sentence to the level of the entire text.
Second Topic. external text recantation. which means moving from one subject to another one that seems to be irrelevant to the previous one. This seems to be a sudden transition from a talk of creed. to a talk of a specific ritual. then to a judgement of a transactions provision, and then to a social or economic guidance. etc.
In this work. I ask Allah success. rectitude. and guidance to paths of truth and reason. and I ask him safety from wrong. in saying and doing. He is the best Lord. the best Supporter.


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How to Cite

Al-Kuhlani, N. (2019). textual recantation in Surat Al-Baqarah. Queen Arwa University Journal, 22(22), 28. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i22.142


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