Privacy Statement

We are at the Queen Arwa University magazine website are keen to protect the privacy of our users, so the following privacy policy explains how we collect and use and protect user information.

1. Collect personal information:

Personal information will only be collected after obtaining explicit approval from visitors.

Personal information will only be collected as required to achieve the purposes specified in its collection.

Personal information is collected by electronic means or in other ways compatible with the applicable laws and regulations.



2. Using personal information:


Only personal information will be used for the specific purposes for which it was collected.

Personal information will not be shared with any third party or an uncomfortable party.

Collected personal information can be used to communicate with visitors and provide them with information and related services on the magazine site



3. Protection of personal information:


The confidentiality of the collected personal information is maintained.

Personal information is secured through security procedures appropriate to protect from its loss, steal or unauthorized use.

Our employees are trained to protect personal information and ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained.

4. Cookies:

The magazine uses cookies (cookies) to improve the user experience. Cookies are used to determine the favorite information for users and customize the experience of use. Users can disable cookies in their browser if they wish.



5. External links:

The site has links to other sites. The magazine does not bear any responsibility for the content of these external sites or its privacy policies.



6. Putting notifications and modifications:

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time, and we will update this page to reflect any changes. Please visit this page periodically to review the current privacy policy.